1st Trimester

Update: Possible eptopic pregnancy

Crying I notified my RE about my cramps yesterday and my spotting today. He advised me to come in but stated that he might not be able to see anything because I am only 5 weeks and 2 days. When I got there, he did the sonogram and saw something in the tube and told me that it looks like an ectopic pregnancy. I was devastated. He said that what he is seeing is more than likely the case but would like me to come in on Friday to confirm. He said that it is a small chance that it is a normal pregnancy because he has to confirm what he is seeing right as it is very small at this point but the chance is very slim. I cried so badly. I knew something was wrong!!


Thanks guys for your support and knowledge you shared with me. At this point, I don't think I want to do another iui. This is too much for me to deal with. My tubes are scarred and I have endometriosis and the chances of this happening again is very high (in my opinion). I am still hoping for that slim chance but, my gut tells me that this is it. Next time, IVF.... A girl can only take but so much!Lightning

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