1st Trimester

Early guess on baby's sex ever wrong?

Hi Ladies,

Today I was at my 12 week appointment and had an ultrasound (I am high risk due to my previous loss-the one benefit to that is frequent ultrasounds).  The baby was measuring about a week ahead, and the tech said he "wouldn't bet on it in Vegas" but was pretty sure it was a boy!  You can definitely see an "appendage" as he called it on the picture.  I was totally shocked because I thought we would be having another girl- I'm super excited either way though. I also wasn't expecting him to have any clue this soon!  He asked if we were thinking of names and I said not really because there is we can't know the sex  this soon and he said "Well....." and then gave us the news!

I was just wondering if anyone else has been told the sex this early and if it was right or wrong?  I thought being told a boy this early would probably be more accurate than being told a girl.  Any thoughts?

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