Babies on the Brain

Hello ladies! My into to BOTB

I've been lurking for about two weeks now and figured now is as good a time as any to introduce myself. My name is Sam, I'm 21, and I've got baby fever like crazy! hahaha I have a son who will be one next month but due to some medical complications, he was in the hospital for the first two months of his life. I missed some small things like, holding a new born, worrying about his bellybutton (he doesn't have one), or even giving him his first bath. I feel like I missed out on some very special moments and until I get them, I feel like I'll never get this baby craze out of my system! Big Smile
February 19, 2010- BFP! March 14, 2010- M/C January 17, 2011- BFP! April 26th, 2011- It's a boy! Due September 20, 2011 May 2, 2011- Confirmed Gastroschisis August 7, 2011- Labor begins August 12, 2011- Max is born October 4, 2011- Max comes home!

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