October 2011 Moms

Broke New Mom Rule #1

I let DD sleep with a stuffed animal. Shame on me.

She's been STTN since 4 months but all this week, she's been waking 2-4 times a night screaming. She's not hurt or hungry. She just wants DH or me to sit next to her. As soon as we leave, she screams. We feel like we have a newborn again.

After a 30 minute session at 2:30am, I couldn't take it when she woke up at 5 this morning. I looked around her room and handed her a stuffed goat she likes to play with, hoping she would at least play quietly in her crib for a few minutes. It calmed the beast and she went back to sleep almost immediately. Of course, I felt guilty and kept checking on her to make sure she was breathing and didn't get any more sleep anyway.

I know I can't make this a regular thing but it was so amazing that something besides mom and dad could calm her down. Embarrassed

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