Single Parents

visitation and custody questions...also those who BF?

i am in the process of getting an emergency temporary custody order in place for my 9 1/2 month old baby... i separated from my H over a month ago, and he was served last week. during the time we were together he spent little to no time with her, and was gone for the last couple months that i was living with him, so she really doesnt know him AT ALL.

i guess im wondering, if i am awarded sole custody, how do they go about visitation for a situation like this? i know he will get time with her because he doesnt have any reason NOT to really. will they allow supervision by me until she is used to him? surely they would let him take her alone until she knows him better? i am so worried because she has separation anxiety anyway and she will freak out if he has her and she doesnt know him. or do the courts not care about this kind of thing?

when do overnights start? 

 also does the fact that i am breastfeeding make a difference? she does not take bottles at all.  

 anyone set my mind at ease? TIA

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