1st Trimester

Too Sensitive?

My family is really close. Sometimes I think too close, but most of the time, it's fine. We recently had a reunion of sorts where we told my parents who then told my siblings... We asked them not to tell anyone else because DH's parents were out of the country and we couldn't get in touch with them to tell them yet and we'd feel bad if anyone else found out before them. So what happened? The next day my SIL told some of my parents friends at a get together. DH loves these friends because they're kind of like his surrogate parents here since his parents aren't close. He was pretty hurt that he didn't get to tell them. Later that week we had a big get together with the family of aforementioned family friends and my dad (for the second time) pressured us to make "the big announcement". But we didn't give in. So later my mom cornered me and essentially said I was being a brat for not wanting to tell people. Keep in mind I wasn't even 6 weeks at this point... So a few days later after we had told DH's family we told the friends nonchalantly (I hate "look at me" announcement moments). That next week, family friend's DIL decided to tell a lot of our mutual friends that we were expecting (wasn't even 7 weeks at that point). I tried to vent about it to my brother who I'm particularly close to and he said I was acting bratty and that if I didn't want the whole world to know I shouldn't have told anyone.

Am I being bratty or overly sensitive? I'm officially 8 weeks, but still don't want to tell people until after the 1st trimester because I'm worried about a miscarriage. So am I making it a bigger deal than it is? I just feel like I have no one besides DH in my corner on this issue...

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