Pregnant after IF

First time mom, twins due 2-28....when to share?

After a tumultous year which included 3 failed IUI's, 2 failed IVF, and on failed FET, my husband and I finally got the news which has eluded us for so long, I am pregnant.  The best part, we are expecting TWINS!  Our due date is 2/28, but they told me it would more like be late January/early February since there are 2.  We are first time parents.  We've had 3 ultrasounds (5 wks, 6 1/2 weeks, 7 1/2 weeks), and they are good and strong.  Our 7 1/2 week US was yesterday, and both babies measured over 14 mm and their heart rates were both around 150...

We have shared the news with friends and family who new we were going through IVF, but when do you think it's safe to share with everyone else?  We have our first appointment with our regular OB on Friday, and I was thinking of waiting until after 8 weeks too soon if all of the Ultrasounds have shown they look great?

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