1st Trimester

I also need to vent & advice wanted

I moved into my condo almost two years ago, and I've loved it since day one. It was literally a blessing, because I was just leaving my husband with an infant, and the place was beautifully secluded and quiet.

It only has two bedrooms, and that was fine before because being with someone, much less getting engaged and pregnant, was the furthest thing from my mind. But, alas, best laid plans... When we discovered baby, we thought, "Shiit. We need to move into a house sooner rather than later." (We were going to wait until after the wedding, which also had to be pushed way back) But, right now, we really don't believe that we can afford a decent DP, and although I get a "paycheck", I, on paper, do not work. We just don't know what exactly we could get, and it's a lot of pressure on FI. (I go back and forth with this... it's a lot of pressure on me too, but I'd do what I had to do if I were the one "making the money")

I've never had any problems living here until recently. 1) my car was broken into a couple of months ago, and FI's GPS was stolen from the center console. 2) People FLY through the "neighborhood" and it is ridiculous. One day, FI came out in the morning to go to work, and found his car was involved in an accident.... WHILE IT WAS PARKED. This truck had hit a Jetta, who apparently doesn't know what a brake is, and smashed into his car about 8 spaces DOWN. The whole front end was gone. This was not someone going 15 mph. This was just 2 1/2 weeks ago. 3) This morning, his grandmother's car that he's been using while his gets repaired was broken into and FI's book bag was stolen. I really hope the thieves enjoy the stethoscope, rubber gloves, paramedic books and notes.....  

I loved this place but it seems since they have started to advertise their empty condos "for rent", it has been nothing but a shiit show. I rent privately from an owner of this condo, but now I'm going to be raising hell in the office this morning, and I sure as hell do not want to renew my lease. 

So... thoughts please. Try to make the move to relocate to a nice home, but not the "dream" home, or just suck it up and stay here? 

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