1st Trimester

LONG.....Need to vent about my FIL

I had a huge fight with my FIL about DS yesterday.  FIL was in a foul mood and DS was a bit hyper, riding his fire engine and sort of crashing into the table.  I scolded him 2x and then took it away.  He sat on the couch with me and was as calm as can be, when he asked for it back.  I told him ok & reminded him to be calm with it.  Well, he then smashed right into FIL's foot with it

FIL started SCREAMING (like at the top of his lungs screaming, not a simple scolding) at DS, which greatly upset me.  I stood up and said, "Look he didn't do it on purpose, he's just playing" to which he SCREAMED AT ME, "You're son has ruined every piece of furniture in this house!!!"  My heart was pounding and I said, "well lucky for you that we are leaving in 2 weeks!"  (We have been here since last Feb. and are moving out on August 1st. Oh and he has NOT ruined anything in his house.... maybe there are scratches here and there, but there are also 5 cats, 2 dogs, and 5 adults living here too!!!!!)   He got very angry at my comment and raised his voice even more saying that DH and I treat him and his wife like they are monsters and we say that he picks on people (which he does.)  I said that when I feel that my husband is being attacked, I will defend him because that's what married people do!!!  I have no idea what the monster comment meant, and when DH was talking to them about it after it was all over, he claimed that I am the one that said they were monsters.  This man is clearly delusional!!!! 

He continued to act like a psyco, so I grabbed DS' hand and said we are leaving.  DS started clapping and said yay- he hates fighting and shouldn't have to be around drama like this!!!! Do you know that this lunatic actually followed me out the door and continued to yell at me.  I yelled in his face that I am pregnant and high risk and I don't need this.  He completely ignored me, continued to scream, and I just walked away.

I called DH, who wasn't home for this fun, and broke down hysterical crying in the car.  What kind of lunatic picks a fight with a pregnant woman?  One with no balls.

Oh and to make it even better, MIL and SIL were standing by for the whole fight and not a single word was uttered by either one of them.

I went right to my mom's with DS, who fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep for a few hours after this.  I was able to get myself back together and told DH that I would NOT return to the house while any of them were there, and I had planned on sleeping at my mom's with DS.  He was upset and said I was punishing him too.  Ugh.

I did wind up going back.  When DS woke up, he was crying that he wanted to go home and see daddy.  How could I say no to that?  So I went back and didn't speak to anyone.  I actually put my head down and fell asleep on the couch. DH put DS to bed and told me to go upstairs.  Last thing i remember is DH putting the blanket over me and kissing my forehead.

Then this morning I wake up to FIL playing with DS in his room.  I pretended he wasn't there, walked in and told DS I needed to change him.  FIL didn't say a word to me, and I plan on not speaking to him either.  August 1st cannot come soon enough.

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