1st Trimester

Maybe pregnant???

We are trying for a baby, and I am charting.  I ovulated a couple of weeks ago and today is supposed to be when I get my period.  I took a pregnany test on Sunday night because I had a feeling.  It came back positive.  Then I took another last night just to make sure (same brand), and it came out negative.  I heard you should test in the morning, so I tested again this morning (the day of my missed period), and it came out negative.  I am planning on waiting a couple days and taking another one.  But does anyine think there is any chance I could actually be pregnant?  It seems strange that I got a positive, followed by two negatives.

My Ovulation Chart
|| Ovulation Calendar
BFP #1 - July 15, 2012, Natural MC July 18, 2012
BFP #2 - September 29, 2012, U/S showed baby stopped growing at 5 weeks 4 days - October 30, 2012, D&C October 31, 2012
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