Pregnant after IF

I feel so blessed

I am part of a group called CRHP at church. My sisters threw me a surprise baby shower tonight. Besides getting me a huge gift card to BRU, all the girls wrote a prayer for Kinsley and then gave me a book so I could put them in there and then read them to her as she grows up. I cannot tell you how blessed this makes me feel. So many people love my baby and she isn't even here yet. I truly feel she has been prayed into existence and those prayers have kept her safe and sound as she has continued  to grow. I have had moments where I have been upset because I can't have everything I want for Kinsley because we had to spend our savings on IVF, but I just think back to nights like tonight and know that it isn't material things that are going to be important, but our friends and family's love and support of our daughter that are going to be important as she grows up! How truly lucky the three of us are!
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