Single Parents

Any moms with an EX in the Air Force?

I filed for CS in January in Delaware (if anyone is from DE on here, can we be friends??? lol) and have been calling periodically to try and figure things out.  I recently had to block ex's number and facebook because he was asking me on a date and asking me to have sex with him (umm, no?) and I was sick of it.  I called DCSE last week and was told that they are having trouble locating him because of a change of address.  I informed them that he was in the AF and she laughed and said "oh this is gonna take forever..."  Well thanks.  Definitely a confidence booster.  I can't contact him to find out his address because I'd prefer not getting into an argument.

Anyway, I'm just trying to figure out if this is worth it anymore.  I don't want to give him a reason to harass me and I really don't want to give up the quality time that I have with my little man every day.  Ex doesn't deserve him and didn't want him from the time I told him I was pregnant.  Any advice would be welcome.  

Sorry I sound like a nutcase.  I'm exhausted.  Thanks ladies!   

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