Babies on the Brain

Introduction (longish)

Thought I'd introduce myself since I find myself watching this board on my lunch breaks (Can't post from my phone though... hope to fix that soon). I'm pretty new to the bump, but I don't have children nor am I trying (much to my dismay).

DH and I have been together 6 years coming up on our 1 year wedding anniversary this September. We bought our house about a year ago as well. We have 3 fur babies Switch 5, Kona 4 and Halo 2. We both want 2 kids (possibly 3 if the first 2 happen to be the same gender).

As for why I've been glued to this site 24/7... I'm sure you've all heard it before, but I've definitely caught the "baby bug". Always knew I wanted kids but as of recently the thought of not having one now and knowing we won't try soon seems to cause physical pain. DH wants to wait until we're ready, which I understand, I just don't think you ever can be ready. With the monetary goals that are now in place if I don't spend a penny between now and TTC the absolute earliest will be March 2014.

I spend my time on this site because it makes me feel like I'm doing everything I can to prepare myself for when we do TTC. Looking forward to chatting with you ladies!

Side note: I'm working on all the DH, DS, DD, TTC... not so good at it yet, but I'm working on it.

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