Babies on the Brain

Dirteen (an AW)

Char's favorite number is "dirteen", which I'm not quite sure if it's 13 or 14, but lately I ask if she wants to count to 10 or 20 and she'll say "dirteen!"  (And then she does whatever it is I'm trying to get her to do on about 8, so whatever.)

The other day she ate blackberries and got half of them on her face, so I said to her, "You are dir-tee!"  Her eyes got huge and she said, "I'm dirteen?  I can drive a car?"

So we went out to the car and she got all strapped in and says to me, "How it go?"  Dead serious.  So I explain about the pedals in the floorboard and she starts to unbuckle herself so I reminded her she has to stay buckled in.  This is the result:


(Please forgive the freaky cell phone flash).

TTC since January 2007 -Dx Stage IV endo - 1 removed tube
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