Pregnant after IF

1st U/S!

We just got back from our first ultrasound and everything is looking good! I am 6 weeks 5 days. We were able to see and listen to the heartbeat, 124 bpm. Next u/s will be on the 31st.

The nurse told me I could stop all meds (baby asa and vivelle patches) except the PIO. She did tell me I could switch to the suppositories at this point if I wanted to, but based on what you girls have been posting, I think I will stick to the shots! They will have me on those until 12 weeks though. 

We are so happy and I feel a little less anxious now!

TTC #1 since Sept '09 Dx: Severe MFI/Azoo
IVF w/ICSI - 15R, 12M, 10F - transferred 2; froze 3
Beta #1 150 Beta #2 320
7/16 124 bpm (6w5d) 7/31 168 bpm (8w6d) 8/22 170 bpm (12w)
EDD 3/6/13
Our team green baby was a girl! Emma Lynn born 2/23/13
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