Babies on the Brain


So this is mostly an intro post. For the past couple of weeks I have been stalking thebump in general and in a non-creepy way. Baby fever has hit me quite suddenly and HARD. I mean I have always wanted to have children but recently it's been like MUST HAVE BABY NOW! However, my husband and I area waiting until October to start trying so that I will qualify for work/government benefits (I'm Canadian, eh!) as we just moved in April and I need to have worked for at least 6 months to get past my probationary period. But for the past couple of weeks I have been reading all the baby material Google can find me. For the record, I used to be a member of theknot. 

Anywho, you guys are the bomb! I've enjoyed learning more about babies and what to expect (when you're expecting) and whatnot.

Following online advice, I quit taking bc a month ago and just yesterday started taking prenatals.

Now, this part of the post (if you are still reading) is not a "zomg am I preggers????"'s an "I think I'm going crazy" post. I know that AF usually isn't regular after you go of bc. I know that you aren't likely to get pregnant right away, especially if you are being careful. But my god darn nipples have been sensitive/sore for about 4 days and they have NEVER done that before. Never. But it's also been 8 years since I have been off bc. AF should arrive today or tomorrow if I'm back to my old habits so I know I should wait a week before testing so I don't waste it but the waiting is killing me! I think I might be imagining additional symptoms like fatigue and dizziness just because I've read so much about them. Definitely not imagining the nipple thing though.

 Anywho, just needed to get this craziness off my chest (hah!) because I have nobody else to talk to about this that would understand. My husband just said "you better not be pregnant.". Cheers. 

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