Pregnant after IF

Halfway today!

Can't believe I've reached the halfway mark! Still haven't felt the little guy move, but Dr said I should in the next two weeks. He moved around during the scan a few days ago, and I get to see him onscreen this week at my follow-up A/S. So thankful to be at this point! Congrats to you all!
TTC since 8/10.Hypothyroidism, put on Synthroid. Clomid 50 mg + IUI Oct '11 = BFN. HSG found blocked tube Nov '11. Lap + Hysteroscopy to remove tube and fix septum Dec '11. Cancelled following cycle due to lack of response to Clomid. Jan/Feb '12 Clomid 100mg + Folllitism + HSG + Vivelle Dot + IUI #2 = BFN. 3/30/12: Natural Cycle BFP - beta 59 @ 12dpo, beta 286 @ 16dpo Baby boy arrived 12/8/12!
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