Pregnant after IF

Seriously, with these dreams??

Anyone else having insanely odd dreams?  As the finish line nears, I find mine increasing. Last night: girls were born... but not the usual way.  They just kind of decided to come out of their own volition - no labor, no drama... just sorta ... popped out... and then were there with me and already weirdly/oddly/in a dreamy sense that doesn't allow me to provide concrete details, independent.  

Then I left them behind somewhere.  And didn't have car seats ready.  And had some random friend tried to bf them. And... oh you get the idea. Weirdness.

Clearly, I'm going to need a hobby to get me through this wait. LOL 

38. DH 40. TTC since 2005.
Earlier m/c. DX (finally) 10/10: abnormal acrosome.
ICSI #1 3dt 11/20/11 HPT BFP 11/30 Our beautiful daughters were born July 28, 2012.

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