Pregnant after IF

Mini panic

I'm out of town for the night for a wedding and forgot my 25 g PIO needle. After 2 panicked calls to my RE we found a pharmacy that has one. Too bad we now missed the wedding but happy that I don't have to shove a 18g needle in my hip. I am now so stressed out I need to take a nap. 

Has anyone ever had to use the 18g???  

Me:40 DH:40 AMH:.21 FSH: 10.9 2 failed IUIs on Clomid; 4 failed IUIs using Follistim; 1 cancelled IVF due to poor response; Switched REs in March 2012; Currently stimming for final IVF. Estrogen priming with microsode lupron; 6/25:8 retrieved,7 mature,5 fertilized with ICSI; 6/30: transferred 4. Beta #1 7/12:92.1 Beta #2 7/16: 528 Beta #3 7/18: 1,042 7/25/12: First ultrasound. 1 bean measuring 6 weeks 1 day Hb 116 BabyFruit Ticker
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