Single Parents

Well Crap...

I refuse to delete this thread, but I will no longer be responding because apparently you "ladies" have nothing better to do than pick at people lower on the food chain. Call me anything you like in the comments, it's your thread now. 

Sometimes I'm pretty sure I don't have the common sense God gave a rock. I'm 19, and have two boys under 3. They are my entire universe. Their "sperm donor" BD is not involved at all. For their entire lives it's been just me and them, but now I'm pregnant again. I don't know what I'm going to do. Some dark part of my mind is afraid. Afraid of the judgement that comes from having children by different fathers, afraid of the stigma attached to single parents, and afraid that my family will be divided as soon as the kids figure out they're different. Every once in awhile I just get this sense of, well, overwhelming panic. What am I going to do? I feel like such a stupid kid sometimes, and I know that's how my mother is going to treat me once I tell her. Part of me wants to scream. I'm an adult! I made an adult decision and now I'm facing adult consequences! But since I'm living with her right now she has apparently regressed me back to 16 in her own mind. I have to tread so lightly around her, and i'm sick of it. 

Lissy- single mommy to my adorable baby overlords BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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