March 2012 Moms

I don't think I could love my son more...than I do seeing this...

I had just finished feeding him at my desk.. and he started beating the keyboard to death lol... I got me a micro -Geek Cool 

He got all bent out of shape when I tried to use it myself... so now I know what to  use to get him to want to sit up more  ..I wonder if I can attach my old keyboard to one of his play trays lol.Confused

He had a blast popping windows up and down.. hell I swear he found keyboard shortcuts even I didn't know about haha

We had always joked about getting him an adjustable highchair that would fit under the middle section of our desks.. we have 12 foot of deskspace all along one wall and one section between us is perfect to slot the LO in.. maybe it's time to hook up another PC & screen in the middle for the munchkin haha .. the rule was when he can build a computer, he can have his own..and when he can hold a controller he can play the game consoles with daddy.Geeked

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