
SCARED to have another baby!!!

Hi Moms, 

I had DD via c section nearly 10 months ago after a very long labor.  I was told by my MW, the OBGYN that performed the section as well as my Fam. Dr. (yes, I asked everyone;) that I would need to have c sections for any future children. The thought of this really scares me. It's so bad that I don't want to have any more babies. My c section went perfect, I healed up quickly and didn't have any complications (other then constipation, sorry TMI) so it's not like I've been "traumatized" I just don't want to go through it all again. Plus, a little part of me is scared to die on the operating table. 

A couple of my girlfriends have had multiple c sections and they have told me that the recovery is even quicker for a planned section since you don't labor first. But that doesn't reassure me.  

Does anyone else share these same feelings? I know it's still early to be thinking of another baby but DH has brought it up and it literally makes me feel sick thinking about it. 

Thank you ladies:) 

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