Babies on the Brain

Long but meaningful baby names?

We have been married a year and have been starting talk babies.  

As a bit of a feminist, it is important to me that my children have my last name somewhere legally in their names. However, my last name is long- 8 letters- and my husband's last name is even longer, 10 letters. To top it off, I love the sing-songy ring of a traditional first-middle name, like Jessica Jane or Ryan James, etc. My last name doesn't have that ring as a stand-alone middle name. So I am considering having it all- first name, traditional middle name, my last name, my husbands last name. It would go something like this (made up comparable names, haha):

Cary James McMillan Deepwater or Bella Elizabeth McMillan Deepwater 

My husband isn't thrilled because he thinks people will judge us negatively. He is extremely traditional. I am happy with it, as long as people aren't going to think we're crazy and I'm not sentencing my children to a life of horror while in school or filling out forms.

I'm fine if the kids just initial the M in common use, but having my name attached to theirs on their birth certificates makes me feel connected to them, and connects them to my heritage as well as their father's.  

What do you guys think? 

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