Pregnant after IF

NPAIFR: Old clinic vent

Now I know why I left my first clinic,   I have spent about 3 months trying to get them to destroy our one remaining embryo left at that clinic.   In the end of March we received a  bill for storage for the next year and I called and said I wanted it destroyed.  They told me that they would do it and I didn't need to do anything else.  Beginning of June, I get the same bill again.  This time I call and they say I need to fill out a form and have it notarized.  I do that and mail it back.  I receive a phone call mid-June from an embryologist to confirm information  on the form.   I called billing last Monday to check to make sure everything went through and get the balance of what I owe for the last few months (even though the first time I was told I would owe nothing but obviously that nurse knows nothing).   The billing hasn't heard anything and my bill still stands at the previous amount but they will contact the embryology department and call me back.  I asked if I should contact embryology and they said no.   This clinic has strict rules about contacting the embryologist so they can focus.  I heard nothing.  I called back today and sure enough they heard the next day that the embyros were destroyed and I now owe $100.  

I wish this back and forth was just the billing department but I dealt with it with the nurses and doctors in the OR.   They told me one thing and then when I called about it I got a totally different message.   With all this miscommunication, it makes me wonder what other things are getting looked over.

TTC since Jan. 2010 DX Unexplained infertility
3 IUI's w/Clomid & Ovidrel=all BFNs
3 IVF (2 Fresh, 1 frozen) =BFN
Love, Marriage, and Baby Carriage!
Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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