Single Parents

How do you do it???

So STBXH has recently gotten supervised visits per court order because of a mentally unstable past. However, I cannot be the supervisor. So visits with DD take place at my home 2 -3 times a week with another person present as the supervisor (I have to be in another room).They are to start next week, and I am wondering how to deal with the inevitable crying that will ensue because DD barely knows her father. The exact same supervised visiting I tried to instill months ago, but he refused to agree to, and went months without seeing her, is the same one a judge ordered. He could've at least used my plan as a stepping stone so she knows who he is, but now, its like we're starting from scratch, and I'm supposed to interfere as little as possible, just popping in to breastfeed (since she refuses a bottle with a passion). I know I'm allowed to comfort her every now and then if she gets highly upset, esp in the beginning, but how would you deal if she just seems inconsolable, constantly?? I don't believe in CIO (I follow an attachment parenting style of parenting). I don't want him running back to the judge and saying I interfere, but I don't know how else to reassure her that everything is okay and that mommy isn't abandoning her, and that its ok to get to know her daddy, without mommy around. Everyone else she's gotten to know, and is quite attached to, she's gotten to know with me around. Plus she's got 5 hour saturdays, some with my sister-in-law as the supervisor in another state, someone else she barely knows. How do I accustom her to that without it stressing her out too?? She's just such a happy baby, everyone (even complete strangers) is always amazed at how happy and "smiley" she is, I just don't want that to ever change, but yet she still has to get to know her father. He is notoriously uncooperative, so I doubt he'll even work with me in terms of gradually acclimating her (sigh). I just don't know what to do. Any and all advice welcome. 

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