Babies on the Brain

Help with pre-TTC "bucket list"

My DH(Married June 9) and I especially are anxious to start TTC, but we're young and have only been together a little over 2 years, so we want to be sure we've done some stuff together before babies and pregnancy make life a lot more complicated. We're making a to-do list of things we'd like to do before baby time.

Some of the stuff is practical, like get new windows in the room that would be the baby room, do a budget, cut down on Starbucks, and start taking vitamins/eating better.


Other stuff is more fun, like leave the country together, go to some sort of beer/wine fest, read a book or 2, finish and submit a story to hopefully be published, and go to Disney World. 


Anybody have any suggestions for things to add?






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