Pregnant after IF

Ladies with Jan 2013 due dates....

I have absolutely no talent when it comes to technology, but I saw someone on PAIF (due in March 2013) has a really cute siggy pic that says "March 2012 Mom" with a pot of gold and rainbow. Adorable!!! Can we think of something like that? I'm not the creative type, so yes I'm throwing this out there and stepping back haha!

If anyone has any cute ideas, would love to see/hear them...we should be proud of our babies being born in the #1 month!!!

TTC #1 Since January 2011 Dx: PCOS and Anovulatory April 2012 BFP! Beta 1 5/22 - 1,000+ Beta 2 5/24 - 3,009 1st u/s 6/5 - TWINS!!! A/S Reveals we are Team PURPLE!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image
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