Babies on the Brain

I had a baby!

I haven't been here since I had my baby, but I figured it was time to jump back in!

My birth story:

I started laboring Monday night May 21st & labored all day Tuesday too. We went to the hospital Tuesday night and I was only dilated a fingertip. Walked around the hospital for 1 hr & only went to 1cm. They gave me two shots & sent me home (morphine & phenergan). The shots let me sleep for about 2 hrs & then things started to pick up. I had BACK contractions from 1am on, coming about every 8-10 min. I was "sleeping" in between each contraction, and jumping out of bed and trying to breath through them each time they came. I also threw up several times throughout the night. (I threw up my entire pregnancy so this was really no surprise to me) Since I am a FTM I wasn't sure if I was in full-force labor & the midwife I saw Tuesday night said don't come back unless the contractions were 2-3 min. apart. I was exhausted and in so.much.pain Wednesday morning, I called and made an appointment at the doctors. When I got there and they checked me I was 6cm! The midwife literally walked me down from their office to a room in the hospital! From there things were pretty easy. I got an epidural within an hour & a half & the rest of the afternoon was pretty much smooth sailing. I started pushing around 8:20 & had her at 8:44pm. She weighed 6.9 and was 19 inches long. We named her Grace Catherine.

So far things are going well. I am pumping & supplementing with formula. Breastfeeding just didn't work out for us... and I'm ok with that. She is doing better with sleep & has a couple of nights with a straight 6-7 hrs, which has been glorious!!!

Glad to be back :) 

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