Dads & Dads-to-be

Co-ed Baby Showers

Yay, nay, or meh?

Inspired by shower discussion on the Parenting board. Did everyone here attend their baby shower? Was it co-ed, or were you the only man in attendance? Ours was basically just a BBQ with food and booze and the only games were voluntary for participation (and not very popular). Sitting in a big circle opening gifts was weird, especially as interest for the first 5-10 minutes very quickly waned. We Occasionally had to shout "Hey Tammy-Lynn and Stevie, we're opening your gift!" as people started wandering off. Still, it actually was a fun party.

-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules. -This might be the one place on the internet where it's feasible someone would pretend to be an Adult Man.
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