Pregnant after IF


So I had my 11 week ultrasound today. Everything was perfect, in fact my little peanut was measuring about 4 days ahead according to the u/s. The heartbeat was 166bpm, everything looked amazing. I am so excited. And since today is my DH birthday and he's been dying to make this info public, I allowed him to make it Facebook official.

Also I graduated from my RE's office, it is kinda bittersweet, the place feels like home cuz I've been there so long. But I'm also kinda glad to NOT have to go back. And the money I'll save on gas is gonna be epic! lol

Diagonsed PCOS
TTC since May 2009
First M/C December 2010 Second M/C August 2011
Oct 2011~Second round clomid 50 mg; BFN
Nov 2011~Third round clomid 50 mg: BFP
Dec 11- Beta #1 91;Dec 13- Beta #2 186.2
Dec 27- third miscarriage
May 25th- Beta #1 369;May 27th- Beta #2 798
Baby girl born Jan 23, 9lbs 3oz, 21 1/2" long
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