Babies on the Brain

Newbie! & Thyroid Worries

Good mornin' all! I'm a newbie but I've been surfing the boards a bit over the last month. My name is Jeannine,  I live in South Jersey, and was born & raised in Philadelphia.  DH & I just decided to start getting busy on the baby making front.  Wink  We have been married since November 2010 and just celebrated our "dating" anniversary of 9 years.  Now that we're ready, we want to get pregnant yesterday! hehe

 So now this brings me to my thryroid worries and I'm wondering if any of you have experienced any trouble trying to conceive with thyroid issues.  Let me just tell you what my issue is... My pcp has been monitoring it and it seemed to be trending toward being underactive, it was kind of going back & forth.  Now, I have been having some weird symptoms -  my hair has been falling out in clumps, I've been very anxious, having heart palpataions and last month my period was 6 days late (which is something that NEVER happens for me).  So I just switched to a new pcp and she ran my TSH level again, and called to tell me that it is now overactive.  I just made an appt with an Endocrinilogist to get to the bottom of this and I am having more bloodwork done today.  So I am wondering if anyone has had any wacky thyroid issues and how it has affected your fertility... 

"I don't need another kind of green to know I'm on the right side with you" John Mayer
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