Pregnant after IF

I Graduated : )

Today was my final RE appt. Got to hear our baby's heartbeat again. What a wonderful feeling. Was also told that my blood clot shrunk 1/2 it's size. First prenatal appt is on Saturday super excited. Only worried about getting off progestrone shots. Was told every other day for a week. Oh and I havent had any spotting since Friday afternoon. 
Me:30, DH:33 TTC : 2010 Dx: March 2011 Azoospermia. TESE Feb 2012, Sperm was found. Me:All Blood work are good. Tubes are clear. IVF w/ICSI May 2012, 5/27/12: 12R, 3F, 5/30/12: 2T HPT:6/9/12 = BFP! Beta#1 6/10/12 = BFP!128 Beta#2 = 278 Beta#3 = 3,000+ Beta#4 = 14,000+ imageBabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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