Dads & Dads-to-be

New Mod

Good evening,

I just wanted to say hey and mention that I've been appointed moderator. What does that mean? As far as I'm concerned, not too much.

I'm not going to be a particularly assertive moderator. I have not seen anything going on in this forum so far that has invited a great deal of action on behalf of a moderator. I will be implementing a suggestion that was made previously to have a thread that always appears at the top where female posters can "ask a dad (or dad-to-be)." Hopefully this will lessen some of the advice threads and keep it all in one place.

I'm also going to keep posting some of the generic discussion/GTKY type threads to try to keep discussion going among regulars and help us get to know each other. That way when we actually have a D&DTB type question we're all around to discuss and help each other out.

If you have suggestions for what I should be doing, general rants about the board, or just want someone to yell at, I'm here.


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