Babies on the Brain

Friend making poor choices...

A friend of mine who has a 3month old daughter recently started smoking cigarettes again, and I'm pretty sure she's still BF. She and her husband had only been married a few months when she got KU. He sent me a text asking me to say something to her about how bad this is. I totally agree and I did say something. Her response was how rocky her marriage is blah blah. I don't care what's going on I can't believe you'd endanger your daughter's health like that! Not to mention her marriage was very rocky even before they were married, and she told me she was trying to get KU from the beginning. Confused I can't believe some of the garbage people do to their kids.

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Married from the beginning: 12-17-08 Popped the question: 06-25-09 Made it official: 05-21-10 Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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