Pregnant after IF

Back for vaca (slight vent/long)

I just got back from mini-babymoon #1.  Things didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped but there were definitely some great parts.   There were four generations of us up in Ogunquit for my grandfather's 90th:  my papa and nana, my aunt, my cousin  and her two kids (4 & 7), my other cousin, her husband, and their two kids (2 & 5), my parents, DH and myself and my brother.  

We definitely had some great times and my grandparents were beyond excited to have us all together.   Coming evening things got rocky.  Night one, DH, brother and my cousin's husband decide to go out to a bar but no one lets me know.  I wake up at 1 am alone in a hotel room with no clue where DH is.   I can't get a hold of them and of course my mind goes to worth case scenarios.   I end up making myself sick with worry.  They come back about 30 minutes later and the fear turns to anger over not being told where they were. So DH and I are bickering.  My brother is in our room and trashed and begins talking about how horrible marriage is and how I'm trying to control my husband (granted he is in the middle of a bad divorce).   I decide that the next night I would just go home so I could really sleep (we only lived 1.5 hour away).

Next day was fine, but our 4 pm dinner turned into an 8pm dinner at this expensive restaurant that my aunt's family just had to go to.  The food was very overpriced and not too good and everyone was complaining.   We get home about 9:30 and I pack some things to go home for the night.   I'm now told that I can't go because it is too far to drive pregnant and DH had to stay at the hotel to help my grandparents.   Finally it is decided that DH can come with me and we get ready to go and my brother (drunk again) decides he is coming with me and is bitching and complaining about the whole family.  The point of me leaving was to get away from the drama so I really don't want to drive with him.  He ends up taking off down the beach.   DH and I stay in the room alone and my dad goes and finds him and drives him home.   

Yesterday we spent the day by the pool and relaxing it was very nice, except one of my cousin's spent the day napping and talking on her cell phone while we watched her 7 yo and VERY rambuncious 4 yo.  

Overall, it was not the relaxing trip I was hoping for with me only getting about 5 hours sleep between the first two nights, but it meant the world to my grandparents, which is all that matters.   I'm very happy and I hope the next few little trips I have this month go more smoothly.

TTC since Jan. 2010 DX Unexplained infertility
3 IUI's w/Clomid & Ovidrel=all BFNs
3 IVF (2 Fresh, 1 frozen) =BFN
Love, Marriage, and Baby Carriage!
Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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