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The story of my sons name...Ezio Alonzo

When my wife and I found out we were pregnant we were both overcome with emotion, as I'm sure we all were, and worry at the same time. Before we knew the sex of our baby we went through 2,000 baby names... o_O Upon going through them I told my wife I was fed up with all these baby boys named Jayden, Aiden, Mayden, I even found a Zayden. I wanted something different, unique like all us parents want. Our finalists were...Now when we first got married two years ago we made a deal, whenever we had a baby if it was a boy, I got to name him.(but she had to agree) If we had a girl first she got to name her.(but I had to agree) With that we found out it was a boy. I had asked her if the middle name could be Alonzo because he was a great uncle of mine that always took me to the family farm to feed the animals, and showed me card tricks. He passed away when I was about 8 or 9 so I always wanted to name my son Alonzo. She agreed and out of the 2,000 names we went through these five were the combinations we both like best..


Dante Alonzo- Darius Alonzo- Rhylin Alonzo- Desmond Alonzo or her favorite

Desmond Miles

I love to play the Assassins Creed video game series, so I got really used to hearing the name EZIO (eht-see-oh) I thought that there was no way in a million years my wife would approve. When we were deciding among the five listed above we were torn between all five...when I mentioned the name Ezio Alonzo...she loved it! Now with AC III coming out this October I told here if we have another son we should name him either Altair (all-tie-air) or Connor, the funny thing is her favorite name for our next baby boy is Desmond Miles, and that?s the main character in the AC Series...



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