Pregnant after IF

random fun!!! Everyone can play!!! 7 lucky questions!

1) If you had to have one of these 3 jobs which would you choose: NYC street Mime, professional pooper scooper (you have your own business), or #43 as in "inspected by #43" on the mens' Hanes underwear line?

2) What is the nicest thing anyone's said to you about your pregnancy so far?

3) Finish this sentence: I can't live without _________, __________, and _________. (can be interpreted any way you'd like)

4) What is your SO most excited for/about in your pregnancy/impending baby?

5) What was/is your favorite childhood movie?

6) What would YOUR name have been if you were born a boy, and what do you think of that name?

7) Do you have any good luck charms surrounding your PG? What are they? How did you get them? What will you do with them once your LO is here?

AND.... GO!!!!! Big Smile

BzeetyD = 37, Mr. BzeetyD = 43 together 12/02 married 9/08
TTC #1 since 1/10
DX: Unexplained/MFI issues
Long story: trying on our own + testing testing testing with 6 rounds of Clomid , more testing, injectables + TI, laparoscopy - one tube blocked, 2 IUIs with Follistim...BFNs.
RPL testing all normal

Moving on to IVF.

Our lil' lost sparks:
5w3d loss 7/30/10 - EDD March 2011
8w loss 4/15/11 - EDD November 2011
8w3d loss 8/2/12 - EDD March 2012
4w c/p loss 10/29/12 - EDD July 2012

IVF #1 April 2012 = BFN, IVF #2 June 2012 = BFP. U/S 7/23 = saw heartbeat but measuring behind. Follow up U/S on 7/30 - no heartbeat. D&C 8/2. Trisomy 12. IVF #3 Oct 2012 = Chemical Pregnancy

Phone consult with CCRM on 12/12/12 - ODWU 1/4/13 - both tubes clear(!) - AFC 24, AMH 3.2, FSH 9.6, LH 5.4, E2 25. DH has high frag rate - hoping to do IVF #4 in March with IMSI, PICSI, CCS testing and, if we're lucky, a FET in May or June.


"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it."

Everybody is welcome!!!
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