Pregnant after IF

our IVF #1 is done, looking for some of your experiences :)

Hello ladies!  After years of trying naturally, being tested to find out I am ok but my hubby has severe MFI, numerous failed IUIs and lots of posts on here we finally just completed our first round of IVF with ICSI which the docs recommended in the beginning.  My retrieval was on 7/3 and they got 15 eggs, 12 were mature and 9 fertilized :)  On 7/6 they transferred 2 of the embryos which were classified as an 8 grade cell 1 and 8 grade cell 2, I get the bloodtest on 7/17 - I am just looking for some of your first time IVF experiences in which you got a BFP - did you have an symptoms before getting your BFP?  I am so anxious and promised myself not to test until they told us too!  Please share any of your experiences during the dreaded wait, thanks ladies!
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