Babies on the Brain

It's so stinking hard to focus after a vacation

I took most of last week off from my first job. We have clinic on Wednesdays (every.single.freaking.wednesday), and we couldn't have it last week because of the holiday. It was the first week all year that we haven't had clinic, so everyone involved pretty much scattered. I did come in for a few hours on Thursday morning, but that's it. I worked 38 hours at my second job though, so it wasn't a completely free week.

I can't focus today though! Gah. I have stuff I have to do; we do have clinic this week. My brain keeps floating off. I'm thinking about running, paying off debt, debating whether taking one of the dogs on a long run at the lake on Sat is doable (rather than the treadmill since my running partner will be gone), etc etc. I'm also thinking about how DH is going OOT for a conference from Wed-Sat, and I'm supposed to O on Wed. Basically, I'm thinking too much. lol. 


ETA: removed redundancy. I'm a dorkfish. 

imageimage 318/13,000=2.5% Started TTC in June 2008. Took a few breaks here and there. We started TTC again in Jan 2012. TTC #1, Cycle 33.
My Knitting Blog Bio Experiments With Running
I've given up charting but here's the link anyway.
Bonafide thread killah
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