Pregnant after IF

Intro-- Sorry wrong board

Hello Ladies,

I've been and long time lurker and recently started posting on TTC after 35.  I hope you don't mind if I post here as well.  Yesterday, I started stims on my first IVF cycle which I'm sure to have a lot of questions and there seems to be a more IVF'ers here.

My history is in my siggy.  Good luck to everyone and may we all get our BFP's!

TTC since 6/2010 Me: PCOS DH: Morph 1% Sept 2010- Metformin Apr/May/June 2011 - unmonitored clomid-BFN Aug 2011- Robotic myomectomy for lg fibriod - 6 month break Oct 2011 & Jan 2012 HSG's - tubes clear Feb/Mar 2012 monitored clomid + ovidrel-BFN Apr 2012- Another break - hernia repair Consult with RE July 2012- IVF with ICSI 7/18 ER- 24R 23M 18F 7/23 2 transferred 8 frosties 8/2 Beta#1 96 8/6 Beta#2 457 8/8 Beta#3 692 8/10 Beta#4 997
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