North Carolina Babies


Title says it all...

I had one previous c/s in Oct 2008 b/c doc said baby was too big to deliver vaginally...being the good little pregnant woman I was, I went along with it w/o a single question.  I desperately wanted a med-free, vaginal delivery.  DS was 10lbs on the nose and, yes, he was a hulk of a baby.  Came out starving, ate a whopping 4oz of formula within hours of birth...had to supplement due to low/late milk arrival.  My then/and current OB was ALREADY talking about a RCS at my CONFIRMATION VISIT!!!  He is not open to me even laboring then heading to the OR for RCS.  He inflated the statistics on UR dramatically and glides over the major complication rates for a RCS...yep, that little 4.8% chance of a hysterectomy is nothing to worry about, right?  BS!!!

If I lived closer to the birthing center I'd go there but it's an hour away w/o traffic and traffic patterns are sketchy in that area...rush hour varies greatly since its past the lake.


I don't mind a hospital birth and I am reading about how they can be similar to a home/birthing center birth if you have a good/right doc...


any suggestions? OH! preferably with Presbyterian Hospital affiliation too, but I will switch for the right doc/midwife!

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