Babies on the Brain

Totally squeamish... Afraid to start trying, help

Hi ladies, this is my first post here and I need some reassurance.

 My hubby and I are planning to start trying for a baby in the next several months.  Right now I am just tracking my cycle, since I have been on BC for so long I have no sense of my cycle.

 The thing is, I am  SO squeamish about all things medical.  To be honest, one of the things that has been holding me back from wanting to get pregnant is fear of bloodwork of all things.  I just absolutely hate the idea of IV's and bloodwork, and even thinking about them now makes me feel a little off.

Obviously bloodwork is the very least of my concerns in reality, but it's just an example.  And of course I am terrified of labor.  And the idea of a needle being put in my spine.. the list goes on.

 I just need to wrap my head around the idea that this will be SO worth it and that as a 30 year old woman I can totally handle having an IV!  I just need some reassurance.. is anyone else out there really squeamish like me?

Thanks for your support..


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