Babies on the Brain

Formal intro

Hey BOTB! I've been a lurker and an occasional poster for about 9 months or so now so I figured it was about time to do a formal intro. DH and I were TTC last year and got KU in November. In December it ended in an ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate. We have put TTC on hold until we move into our house in a week or two and will be starting back up in August.

I'm 23 and have been married to my wonderful H for about 2 years. I enjoy sewing, crafting, memes, alcohol, and kayaking/hiking. I live in Texas and have 2 cats. I'm on pinterest way too much and rarely do any of my pins (I'm hoping this will change when we're in the house). I'll answer any questions y'all might have and it would be nice if you could share a little about yourselves. I look forward to being an active-ish member of the board!

BabyFruit Ticker
My Ovulation Chart BFP-11/10/11 ectopic. Methotrexate on 12/1/11. BFP #2-08/17/2012 FX for a ute-baby! 15DPO beta-387 HCG; 36 progesterone Follow Me on Pinterest
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