
Who loved their c-section experience?

After reading the "less than" vaginal birth post, I just wanted to put something out there about c-sections not always being this big, horrible thing to be avoided at all costs.  I had a doula who attempted to dissuade me from a c-section with a major guilt trip, and I'm still bitter about it.  So I want to put out there that sometimes, it's not that bad! 

I found out LO was breech at 39 weeks or so.  OB humoured me with a version attempt, but it didn't work (I'm sure she knew it wouldn't work, but was willing to try for me).  My doula (who I paid to be supportive, not judgemental and "choosy" about my birth plan) actually told me that women who deliver vaginally are better mothers.  I know she meant well, but she really left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

I chose the c-section route rather than waiting to see if baby would turn on her own, or exploring a breech vaginal delivery (doula wanted me to do both those things).   I had a good feeling from my ob, she instilled a lot of confidence in me, and I just wanted what was safest and easiest for my baby (and I won't lie - for me too.  The thought of a breech vaginal delivery made my stomach turn). 

The nurses were wonderful, doctors were great.  I felt like I was on an episode of MASH the whole time on the table - only thing missing was Alan Alda! (Yes, I'm giving away my age with that line).  Everyone was really nice, the spinal was not at all painful, it wore off quickly, I didn't feel so much as a pinch or a poke, my DH was in the room with me and we laughed at the doctors conversation.  I found out my ob was from Romania and her daughters name is the same one we had chosen. :) 

I did throw up a couple of times, but no big deal.  I was holding and nursing within the hour.  And the nice thing was my DH got to hold her for that entire hour before I did, so they got some good bonding time in. 

I'm 4 weeks out and so far recovery has been great.  The pain is sticking around a little longer than I anticipated (irritation is a better word than pain) but nothing a couple of tylenol can't fix.  I've been walking since day 3, and other than lifting heavy things and vacuuming, I have my old self back. 

After that experience I have done a complete 180 in my mindset - I'll totally go for a repeat for my second baby, unless I naturally go into labour first. 

As someone said to me when I was upset about her being breech and trying to decide what to do - be thankful you don't live 200 years ago when your only choice was to suffer and possibly die along with your baby.   While I definitely think sometimes our modern ways are harmful, there are some instances where we can take advantage of them without guilt, and be grateful for the advancements. 

I have a beautiful girl who suffered no trauma during her birth (other than the usual culture shock), and have developed a healthy new respect for doctors and nurses.  A refreshing change from the culture of skepticism we seem to live in now.

And I haven't given a second thought to not "experiencing" a vaginal birth.  Big whoop.  I didn't go through hours and hours of pain only to come home and go through months of sleep deprivation.

And my milk came in immediately, if anyone has concerns about that.

I came to this board while researching my decision a month ago, and it was things like "less than" a vaginal birth, and all this rhetoric about women who deliver naturally and vaginally and standing on their heads that caused me anxiety.  If anyone else is researching this choice, know that a c-section can be a wonderful birth experience.  I can honestly say I really enjoyed the whole thing and found it very interesting.   So don't let anyone guilt you if that is your decision.

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