Babies on the Brain

Intro (a little late)

I been lurking around here for a little while, mainly just reading others peoples posts and occasionally replying. The other day I did post my own and it was not so well received, I apologies if I frustrated people with the grammar (writing is one of my weakest points) And also if others did not like the post itself.

But I wanted to try again as I am getting very very excited about TTC, and would love to be involved and feel comfortable in the community here.

A little about me is that I am in my mid twenties, and have been with my partner since high school. We are actually getting married early next year on our 8 year anniversary.

We are planning on TTC after we get married though may wait a month or two, so the baby will not be born in Dec/Jan around the holiday season.  I am so excited cause for the first time I have (intentionally) not refilled my birth control this month. And I just got my Basal Body Temperature Thermometer today along with OPKs, I'm going to start charting to figure out my cycles before we start trying. 

So again this was just an intro "Hi" and to say my apologies for my last post.

Have a great weekend everyone. 

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