Pregnant after IF

Graduated from RE today!

I said goodbye (again) to my RE today. I was so emotional because I thought I said goodbye for good 11 months ago. During my u/s I saw two cute little gummy bears dancing around with strong heartbeats of 169 and 165. It was such a great feeling leaving there, but strange and lonely as well. I hope the next time I go back is to let them meet the babies and/or if I feel like having another kid. My next u/s is with my high risk doctor on July 17. Yay for graduation day!
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers IVF #1 BFP b/g twins!; loss at 22 weeks 3 days due to I.C. and PTL. IVF #2 BFP 5/26/12; due date 2/6/13; TAC surgery 7/20/12, blessed with another girl & boy! Lilypie First Birthday tickers *PGAL/PAL & PAIF/SAIF welcome*
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