Pregnant after IF

Lilliana Claire is here!!

After a very long and painful induction and labor, Lilliana Claire was born on 7/5/12, 6lbs 9oz, 19.5 inches long. It was about 43 hours fom start to finish, including a foley bulb catheter dilation, pitocin and finally a vacuum delivery and a 2nd degree tear. She is so beautiful and it was worth every moment. I will try to get a photo uploaded in a bit. Hugs!!
TTC since 2006
Me: 36 DH: 40
DH dx azoospermia My dx: RA & AMA
d-IUI's--6/10, 7/13 & 8/4: all BFN
d-IVF#1--Lupron/Menopur/Bravelle/Novarel; mini-dose protocol
ER: 10/25--18R; 14F; ET: 10/28--3dt of 2 embies; 3 blasts frozen
+ HPT 11/4; Beta #1--14dp3dt: 441; Beta #2--21dp3dt: 9298
One beautiful jelly bean growing! Saw h/b on 11/28 and 12/5!!!
P/SAIF welcome
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