November 2011 Moms

where is thumb?

My son has never taken a paci, he is a thumb sucker since about three months of age.

Aside from the eventual investment in braces dh and I joke about making, we love that he is a thumb sucker. It's always there, and is a nice clue that he is sleepy.

For the past few weeks, thumb has gone AWOL. This has coincided with poor sleeping at night, as well. I try to encourage it, putting his thumb near his mouth, but no way. I have seen him "plug it in" as we call it, a few times while asleep in his crib, but no where near the usual amount. I suspect lack of thumb is causing frequent night wake ups.

Teeth don't seem to be imminent, so I don't get why he is opposed. Has this happened to anyone else's LO? If so, did they resume thumb sucking eventually (please?!?).

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