Babies on the Brain

Intro. Because Biomaj said I could :)

Hi everyone Smile I've been lurking here for an embarrassingly long time (you guys got me through endless nights of breastfeeding) and saw Bio's invite to lurkers a while back. So in the midst of my dinner of wine and chips with guacamole, I'm using that as my excuse to jump in!

I live in the midwest with my husband of four years and our beautiful, wonderful little boy. He turns one in just over a month and I'm freaking out a little!

I'm a SAHM, but currently job hunting. We just bought our first home (so exciting after years of renting) and even though we're okay, I would really love to pay my own dang student loans.

That's about it. Ask me anything if you want :)


Image and video hosting by TinyPic First step, conquer the crib. Then, the world! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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