Pregnant after IF

Ladies who have spotted on crinone (warning TMI)

Tuesday morning I posted that I had some pinkish spotting during the night, got checked out, and nurse said was probably a combo of the crinone and the awesome bladder infection I managed to get.  I still had some brown crinone exiting that day.  Yesterday had one big exit of crinone in the morning after I had my daily dose, was brownish - nothing else the rest of the day.  Today, big exit of crinone, brownish this morning before I injected more and have had little bits (brown) since.

Question is, once you've p!ssed off the mighty cervix, how long should I be seeing this brown?  For the duration of the time I'm on the crinone (2.5 more weeks) or should it subside?  Trying not to freak out just want to make sure I'm not letting something more serious slide by.  TIA!

~ Me, 30 DH, 32 ~ TTC since Oct 2009 septum resection 3/2010 stage IV endo 8/2011 IVF #1 1/25/12, 2 transferred, 2 frozen - BFN FET 2/22/12, 2 transferred - BFN IVF#2 5/12, transferred 3, froze 5, BFP! Beta 1: 151, Beta 2: 282 Cerclage placed @ 17 weeks due to shortening cervix, modified bed rest until delivery SAIF/PAIF always welcome image It's a girl! ~ Clare was born 1/31/13
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